Update Privacy and T&Cs - GDPR 25/05/2018

Update Privacy and T&Cs - GDPR 25/05/2018

Next 25/5/2018, the GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679) will come into force, an EU regulation that was created to strengthen privacy rights. We have taken this opportunity to review and update both our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to provide greater transparency on how we provide our services and to ensure that we comply with the GDPR. 

Our new terms and conditions will enter into force on 25 May 2018, and we will ask you to accept the new terms and conditions from then on. Today we release the new terms and privacy policy to allow you some time to familiarize with the next changes. On our platform you will find both the updated GDPR-compliant Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy by clicking on the following links: 
- Terms and Conditions: http://admin.sprintrade.com/sprintrade/agb_publisher.php?asm_lang=12 
- Privacy Policy: http://admin.sprintrade.com/sprintrade/datenschutz.php?asm_lang=12 
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