Publier's requirements

Publier's requirements

Anyone can become publisher, natural or legal persons, with or without VAT.


- You must be an adult

- You must be the owner of the site or the Manager (in the case of site protected by privacy or domains by proxy, please provide the elements to go back to your name)

- The site must be a top-level domain. Such as http: // www. foo. en. For the second-level domains see below.

- The site must not have content or links to such offensive or illegal activities related to

- The site must be fully functional at the time of registration

- The site must not be a free domain (eg domains .tk)

The request to participate in the Sprintrade advertising network will be checked by our experts and get an answer soon. Once approved, you can begin to earn money online by promoting our advertising campaigns.


Sprintrade reserves the right to refuse entry to the Network to any site for any reason.

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