Cookie Law - All the information you need

Cookie Law - All the information you need

To get all the info about the Cookie Law and the Sprintrade's cookies please visit our Privacy Policy page which can be found here: 

    • Related Articles

    • Cookie Law - Tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno

      Per tutte le informazioni sulla Cookie Law e i cookie di Sprintrade vi preghiamo di visitare la nostra pagina della Privacy Policy che potete trovare qui:
    • We need to install some software on our server?

      No. Once enrolled in the network will provide you a tracking code (also known as tracking pixels) to be included in the confirmation pages of your website. For example: if a program Pay per Sale, the code must be inserted in the page that displays ...
    • New EU Privacy - GDPR

      Publishers will need to implement a CMP ("cookie message") on their website that supports the IAB TCF v2 standard (we recommend A) If the Publisher uses an Async creative, the ad server takes care of collecting all the ...
    • Payments: Can you give us the clear and detailed information on the payment process?

      INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVE PAYMENT: - Publisher resident in Italy who do not have VAT Please check, no later than the 30th of the month, if the data of your account are correctly filled in (name, surname, address of residence, the tax code, IBAN, ...
    • Glossary

      A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|G|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z A Above the Fold Describes the part of an email message or web page that is visible without scrolling down the page. This term is important because all content above the fold is assumed to be more ...